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Becoming The Man God Intended

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Developing A Daily Devotional Habit 16

93137TargetPoint  Vol 16 of 31

Today's Verse/Thought: PETITION-The Act of Personal Supplication

Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

Life Implication:
Now that we've spent time praying and interceding for other, we can (still unselfishly) move into praying for ourselves. PETITION is that aspect of prayer given over to asking God for SPECIFIC PERSONAL THINGS. To seek an unselfish spiritual or material blessing is not unscriptural.

A little known man in the Bible named Jabez, called on God, saying, Oh that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my borders . . . and GOD ANSWERED HIS REQUEST. You will find this passage literally buried amid a lengthy list of begats in I Chronicles 4:9-10. Amazing!!

Just as our Christian experience is a personal experience, prayer, too, MUST BECOME VERY PERSONAL. We must not hesitate to declare as Jabez, Bless me, indeed!

In a practical sense, PETITION is not the prayer of a man opening heaven's doors to release God's power. Rather, it is MAN OPENING HIS HEART'S DOOR to receive power already appropriated by God. Expressed helplessness is the key to opening that door, thus giving God access to our need. WE MUST, THEN, DEFINE THE NEED.

Life Application:
Begin your petition by ASKING THE HOLY SPIRIT TO HELP YOU CLAIM only those desires that will bring special honor to the Lord.

MAKE A MENTAL LIST OF SPECIFIC NEEDS you have for that very day and offer each need to God.

As we learned in Scripture Praying a few days back, OPEN YOUR BIBLE to I Chronicles 4:9-10 and pray for yourself the prayer of Jabez. Pray it in its entirety and then THANK THE LORD that He is going to bless you and enlarge your borders, be it borders of influence, or borders of health, or even financial borders.

Again, WRITE DOWN your specific requests in a PRAYER JOURNAL - then record His answers and the date. What a FAITH BUILDER, what a joy! Your TRUST in Him will grow.

Lord, teach me to intercede . . .

Tomorrow In TargetPoint
Petition, Expressed Dependence