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Becoming The Man God Intended

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Wired To Work 11

Wired-for-Work-BookTarget Point, Vol. 11 of 33   
Today's Verse/Thought: Seeking Him First...Not What I Want

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Matt. 8:33

Life Implication:
How would you like it if your kids or others who are close to you only came to you when they wanted something? I know you have probably experienced that. How does that make you feel? Do you think that our heavenly Father would feel any different? The bible says that He is a jealous God who yearns for our attention and love.

Could it be that many of our requests go unanswered because we are asking in the wrong way? God loves us and knows what we need even before we ask. His real desire is for us to go to Him just because we love Him. If the only time you go to God is when you want something you will be greatly disappointed.

Life Application:
Seek the Giver of the gift-not the gift. Seek the face of God-not the hand of God. Try to remember the feelings you have when that little child or puppy or kitten crawls up in your lap just because they want to be near you. Now, do that with your heavenly Father. Just crawl up in His lap and begin to talk with Him. Tell Him how much you love Him and make every attempt to put your own needs on the back burner.

There have been times when I have done this and completely laid aside my own burdens, and God still heard my heart and responded to my unmentioned requests. I am convinced that if we approach God like this-He will answer. Does this mean that we should never ask? Of course not! It just means that we have to have a right heart. Before you go to God, get in the habit of asking yourself the question-what is my motive?

Tomorrow In TargetPoint
Asking For His Will Above All Else