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Becoming The Man God Intended

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Developing A Daily Devotional Habit 6

93137TargetPoint  Vol 6 of 31

Today's Verse/Thought: WAITING-Its Focus and Value

Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God.

Life Implication:
The word know means to have a CLEAR PERCEPTION OR UNDERSTANDING. God says we come to KNOW that He is God by being STILL. Can you just imagine our Heavenly Father saying about His people, Why, I can't get a word in edgewise!  With our electronic devices, TVs, and videos on constantly, He literally cannot get a word in edgewise. Our minds cannot TUNE IN till we TUNE OUT all the rest of the noise of this world we live in.

To focus attention entirely upon God PLACES GOD ON THE THRONE of our praying.

Not only does Waiting prepare us for Confession (which follows our time of Waiting) in prayer, it actually serves to snatch us away from the things of the world. To wait in silence is to BID FAREWELL TO EARTHLY conversation and attention. It is that VITAL BRIDGE that takes us from a carnal world to a spiritual world. This silent surrendering of the soul to God opens the door to the higher plane of His divine love.

Life Application:
As you practice this delicate art of WAITING, DO NOT RUSH these moments of spiritual silence.

As you take these moments of Waiting, WHISPER WORDS like, I love you, Lord, or, I long for your presence, O God. 

CONCENTRATE full attention on the love aspect of God's nature in your minutes of silence.

REMEMBER this second aspect of prayer following your moments of Praise, is beginning to prepare your heart for Confession to Him. ALLOW the quiet preparation of your heart. As you are STILL and as you come to KNOW Him, you will come to fully TRUST Him as you next turn to Confessing your sins to Him.

Tomorrow In TargetPoint
Confession, The Act of Declared Admission