Fully Alive:
Becoming The Man God Intended

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Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as …  Jeremiah 1:5

Often I remind my audiences that the most valuable possession we own is our story.  Everyone has a story and as long as we are alive on planet earth it is continuing.  I have found that the secret to living out my story with joy lies in my ability to see how my story lives within, and compliments, God’s story—the BIG STORY.  However, That is not often easy.

If you are anything like me, I find myself not liking the story I am watching unfold in our world right now.  In fact, I must admit I sometimes find myself getting angry and fearful.  When this happens, though I don’t want to admit it, what I am really doing is questioning the Author.  Lord, this surely cannot be Your script here.

Think of it this way: what would it be like if an actor playing their role in a movie, a violin player in an orchestra, or a role player on a sports team, all decided they did not like the script or game plan?  The truly professional people in these situations often know very little regarding the finished product and are comfortable with their unique contribution or role.

That is what God is looking for in all of us who call ourselves followers of Jesus.  Is it hard?  Amazingly so.  Why?  Because our human nature wants to control—have something to do with the trajectory of the story.  I am convinced that God is calling all of us today to take our hands off of the wheel—He has got this, and simply focus on the role He has called you and I to play. 

In our opening verse, Jeremiah 1:5, the Lord is speaking to Jeremiah and letting him in on his role.  I left you guessing regarding the ending of that verse to make a point.  If that were God talking to you or me, we would be begging here, yes Lord, can you please finish that sentence?  Of course, you know in Jeremiah’s case He did go on to say,  a prophet to the nations. 

So, at this point in the conversation you may be having some thoughts like this—sounds good Vince but what if I don’t know my purpose or role?  I know I would probably be less inclined to worry about where we are headed if I knew my part in the story.  First, I must say that last statement is not necessarily a given.  Even though we may have a good idea of our role it does not guarantee freedom from fear and anxiety.

In my case, I do know what God is calling me to do—the part I am appointed to live out.  However, for me to stay calm in the middle of the storm I find I must continually do two things.  Stay focused on going deeper in my relationship with Him, and hone the gifts He has given me to live out my call. 

Perhaps some of this might be helpful to those of you who know your purpose but I want to close by addressing many of you who would say, what if I don’t know my purpose or role?  Then it’s time for you to go on a treasure hunt!  Here are some suggestions I would ask you to pray over first and then explore:

  • Seek God afresh every morning and pray He show you how He sees you—Lord, when you look at me, what do you see?
  • Ask your friends and close acquaintances to weigh in with how they see you. Be prepared and open when you do this.
  • Discover how God wired you uniquely by taking the Natural Gift Test on our website—click here. (if you need help understanding the results email me your questions. vince@otm.co
  • If you sense God calling you into something, step out in faith and ask Him to shut the door if it is not the right direction. Sometimes this means getting out of your comfort zone.
  • Make sure you are connected in a life-giving Christian community that meets weekly for spiritual growth, support, and accountability. (this is very important)

George Mueller, one of the most remarkable men of faith in the last two centuries, had a unique six-step plan to determine God's will:

(1)  I seek at the beginning to get my heart into such a state that it has no will of its own regarding a given matter.  (2)  Having done this, I do not leave the result to feeling or simple impression.  If I do so, I make myself liable to great delusions.  (3)  I seek the will of the Spirit through, or in connection with, the Word of God.  (4)  Next, I take into account providential circumstances.  These often plainly indicate God's will in connection with His will and Spirit.  (5)  I ask God in prayer to reveal His will to me aright.  (6)  Thus, through prayer to God, the study of the Word, and reflection, I come to a deliberate judgment according to the best of my ability and knowledge.

I have distilled this down to four things that need to line up to be confident it is God’s direction:

  1. Are you reading it in the Word? (This is not a casual closing of the eye and letting the bible flip open to see what it says. Rather, as you are praying for God to reveal His will, can you see a pattern in what you are reading?)
  2. Are you hearing it by His Spirit? (It will not likely be an audible voice but keep seeking His face and ask him to whisper to you—He will.  It is hard to sense His perspective until you first experience His presence.)
  3. Is it being affirmed through wise, Godly counsel? (Ask trusted Godly people within your sphere to weigh in on what they are sensing about the direction you believe God might be leading you.)
  4. Is it consistent with your current circumstances? (Make sure your family situation, finances and logistical needs are being considered.)

I want to leave you with our ministry’s Three Unalterable Facts:

  1. God knows you and created you for a special purpose  (Jer. 1:5, Isa. 44:2, Eph. 1:11, Eph. 2:10, Prov. 23:18)
  1. God has equipped you with special gifts toward the satisfaction of His purpose (1 4:14, 1 Pet. 4:10)
  1. God wants you to discover what your purpose is (Eph. 1:18)

I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints Ephesians 1:18

Please enjoy this 12-minute message from Vince helping men understand the importance of praying over their household and property.


Micah 5:2  “But as for you Bethlehem Ephrathah, too small to be among the clans of Judah, From you One will come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel.  His goings forth are from long ago, From the days of eternity.”

As Christmas carols ring in our ears and are welcomed into our thoughts and hearts this time of the year as this little town of Bethlehem is brought to mind once again. We imagine the shepherds watching over their sheep right outside the town that night, when suddenly an angel appears announcing the birth of the Messiah.  Then suddenly multitudes of angels joining in the celebration surrounded by a great light contrasted against the dark sky.  Fear is their first emotion, but the angel quiets their hearts with the words “Do not not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.  This will be a sign for you; you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manager”. 

Lets stop for just a moment and take a closer look.  A little history in regard to the shepherds allows us to know that shepherds in general were not allowed to graze their flocks anywhere near a city because of the smell. But yet we are told in scripture that these shepherds were right outside Bethlehem with their flocks.  It appears in the Jewish Mishnah and other early historical sources, that the Shepherds of the Annunciation were different than other shepherds.  Pasturing their flock in close proximity and at prescribed distances from Jerusalem, this unique group had the responsibility of raising sheep that would be destined to be sacrificed at the Temple in Jerusalem about six miles away. And if so, they would have been well versed in the ritual requirements, and well practiced at providing lambs without blemish for the sin offering of Israel.  It would have been these shepherds that were the first ones to encounter “The Lamb of God”.

 It would be Bethlehem, (in Hebrew “The House of Bread”), that would behold “The Bread of Life”.  Just a coincidence or providential you might wonder.  Bethlehem was the place of David’s birth. He had been a shepherd in those same fields.  It was the place where Samuel, the priest and prophet, anointed David to be the King of Israel.  There is in fact to this day a crumbling watchtower still intact there named “Migdal Eder”.  Hebrew for the “Tower of the Flock” mentioned several times in the Old Testament and thought to have been built to guard the sacred flocks that grazed nearby against robbers or animals or anything that could cause a blemish. It is located within 1000 paces on the outskirts of town where it has been placed by tradition since the time of Jerome.

What an amazing possibility.  Bethlehem would be the most significant place for Jesus to be born, among the sacrificial lambs and the message brought to these lowly shepherds who because of their very profession were barred from participating in the religious activities of their own faith. The Bible account does not seem to show that they thought it unusual to find a baby in a manager or had much trouble finding him there.  It would be the perfect place, the perfect setting announced to a group of shepherds that understood the sacrificial system and were awaiting their Messiah.  Does that not amaze you that God in all His majesty planned an event so grand in a place such as this to reveal the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 

So this Christmas, I have determined to take time to look a bit closer at the shepherds on that greeting card.  I won’t rush past the display on my neighbor’s

front lawn and I will experience a little more reverence when singing “While shepherd’s watch their flocks by night”.  The bottom line:  With a wider perspective on the issues of forever, I will ponder the idea that God’s plan is ultimately more perfect than I can possibly imagine. That His attention to detail is superior to NASA and that there is a good reason why the King of all Time and Space has no need to consult us humans for strategy or advice.

Lets worship Him with a deeper understanding of who He is and for the amazing plan of God before the foundations of the world was set into place.  If He can orchestrate such things does He not have a plan for you and me and will He not faithfully oversee its completion as we allow Him entrance.

May you be richly blessed this Christmas season expecting God to show up in the most simple and surprising ways.

Luke 24:44 “And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me

Wired-for-Work-BookTarget Point, Vol. 8 of 33   
Today's Verse/Thought: The Power of Praise

The trumpeters and singers joined in unison, as with one voice, to give praise and thanks to the LORD. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, they raised their voices in praise to the LORD and sang: "He is good; His love endures forever. Then the temple of the LORD was filled with a cloud.  2 Chron. 5:13

Life Implication:
The above verse reminds us that God entered the temple as the direct result of His people praising Him. In the old covenant God would come into a physical place. The good news for us today is that God now resides in our heart. This incredible verse has so much more meaning today. As we praise Him, He comes into our very being.

There is a linkage between praising God and hearing His voice. Praise is mentioned in 319 verses in the bible. It is one of the most often mentioned ideas, yet one of the most misunderstood. God desires worship and praise more then any other thing we can do. He knows that the only way we can truly praise Him is to set ourselves aside...leaving room for Him to move into our lives. It creates a highway that leads to discovering His wonderful plans for us.

Praising God is the only way that we can overcome self and get closer to Him. In James 4:8 the bible says that if we draw near to God-He will draw near to us. Nothing brings us closer to God than praise. If we fail to develop an ongoing habit of praising God then we miss a major connection point with Him.

Life Application:
In the previous volume about quieting our minds we touched on this most important subject of praise. Let's now endeavor to make praise a daily habit. Even before you begin your reading or prayer time-just start to praise Him. Praise is not difficult. Verbalize your love for Him. Tell Him what a good God He is and how much you appreciate knowing Him.

Open the book of Psalms and read aloud verses that praise the Lord. You could even try singing verses from the Psalm to Him. Remember that God doesn't care how well you can carry a tune. He loves your praises-it is a sweet, sweet sound in His ear. After you praise Him for a while it is a good idea to just be quiet and listen for His voice. I find that He often talks to me just after I have spent time praising Him.

Tomorrow In TargetPoint
Reading the Word

Wired-for-Work-BookTarget Point, Vol. 7 of 33   
Today's Verse/Thought: Having A Quiet Mind

The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.  Rom. 8:6

Life Implication:
One of the most difficult challenges in life today is having a quiet mind. We live in a world that is sending out information so fast that it is impossible to keep up. The result of all of this is sometimes called information overload. Confusion often sets in as we attempt to process all of this data. The 21st century mind is packed with more ideas and thoughts than it can reasonably process. Because time is such an important commodity we find ourselves thinking about several different ideas all at the same time. A good example of this is trying to listen to someone while at the same time thinking about something else you have to do.

One of the major reasons why we do not hear from God has to do with our preoccupation with unrelated thoughts. If we cannot quiet our minds and hearts and get into a state of neutral we will never hear God.

Life Application:
Whenever I find myself unable to quiet my mind I simply begin to praise Him. Praise is not complicated. We will discuss it in greater detail later. For now, try this. Just begin to talk to God. Tell Him how much you love Him. Thank Him for being who He is and for all that He has done and is doing in your life.

Ask God directly to help you to quiet your mind and concentrate on Him. Tell Him how much you desire to hear His voice today.

Tomorrow In TargetPoint
The Power Of Praise