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Becoming The Man God Intended

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NEW BEGINNINGS (Exciting August Update)

For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Ps 30:5

I thought of the above verse the other day as I experienced an extensive time of weeping. It was that time—that inevitable day when Cindy and I would come to realize our transition is complete. Our daughter Kim’s family here in Temecula just moved to Illinois. Our daughter Kris’s family, from Colorado Springs, have just concluded a two week stay here helping us unpack and culminating with an amazing Hawaii get away and just went back home to Colorado.

For the first time in our 52 years of marriage we are not living near any of our kids. To some families this is not an issue—not so with us. For whatever reason we find it very hard not being near our loved ones.   Perhaps it is the way we were raised and a holdover from another era. Whatever the reason, this adjustment is hard.

In addition, we are also seeking the Lord for what the next season of our life and ministry will look like and desperately pursuing His will. Ps 30:5 has become my anchor here—we are moving from mourning to morning. Navigating from a time of deep anguish and uncertainty to a new season of rejoicing promised by God. I can tell you this, at no time in our life together have Cindy and I been more in love with Jesus. I cannot imagine encountering many of the challenges and transitions we have experienced without His tender hand guiding us.

Now, here we are, setting up our new in home office, positioning furniture, hanging pictures and daily spending time seeking His call for this next season. Honestly, we really do believe the best for us personally and for On Target Ministries is yet to come. We are persuaded that rejoicing is close at hand.

On the ministry front I am busy researching and planning for the future—here is a list of current activities that we would love your prayers and financial support for:

  • Had first leader meeting to begin training for our mid September start up of On Target Institute here for the Temecula Valley. We already have over 60 men who have expressed an interest in attending even without a major local marketing push.
  • Setting aside a couple of hours each day to work on a re-write of our original book, Wired To Work and working with Pat McGuire on a new cover and release for later this year or early 2018.
  • Preparing to work with the San Diego Rescue Mission to fire up a weekly men’s gathering there for about 150 homeless men in their program—a great honor and very excited to see how our curriculum will resonate.
  • Preparing for speaking at the NAME Canada national marriage conference this fall in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Our third invitation to bring our couples ministry to this wonderful event.
  • Raising funds or grant money to complete our Men On Target manual for our new curriculum. Still needing about $5,000.00 and once raised this resource will be a powerful tool in the hands of our students while becoming a significant funding source for our future.
  • Looking for opportunities to do part time coaching or consulting to help raise additional personal support to lessen the burden on OTM.

I want to also say that 2018 is already shaping up to be an exciting year. Promise Keepers New Zealand is planning a 2-4 week trip for us to conduct a couple of major events and church services. They are also looking to help us extend this trip by serving PK Australia while we are there.

Finally, another reminder that summer is upon us and most know that ministries really do need extra support for these lean months. That is certainly the case with us. Our situation is also a bit more serious as the relocation has interrupted our ability to put on the annual golf fundraiser we have benefitted by for the last 24 years.

That said, please pray about an extra special generous donation this month to help.

Cindy and I remain so grateful for your prayers and financial support.


May God richly bless you,